Friday, March 7, 2008

my other blogs

By clicking this post's title, you'll go to my blog that addresses emotions and how I've learned to love my oh-so-human experience. I talk about hidden emotional blocks that get in my way and ways to decode my actions and attitudes to unlock those emotions and make forward progress.

Visit my profile and you'll see lists of my other blogs. Julieannerickson contains work and business solutions. Others are self-explanatory and may just be fun to read.

My blogs are testament to the power of writing as a way to discover and unlock those sneaky feelings that sometimes are so hard to identify except by noticing that I am s-t-u-c-k and/or unhappy and discontented. Those are the signs that I need to do some digging into my heart and mind to see what's lurking underneath, moving me around and directing my actions without my conscious permission or choice.

Fabulously Successful


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