Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I love Twitter! It's interesting to follow other people, yes. But the real value for me is that I have a chronicle about my thoughts and activities. I don't Twitter every day or every hour of the day - I try for every two days, though.

I use the updates as the basis for blogging. It gives me great practice in pithy writing, too! With 140 characters, there's no room for perfection, either.

I recommend Twittering for writers who may qualify for "Extra Sentences Anonymous," the recovery program for people who say too much.

(You know there isn't really such a program...)

Starting a Successful Business

I just love finding free things that expand my knowledge and consciousness!

I was just listening to audio hosted by Elizabeth Marshall of The Knack, a book written by Norm Brodsky & Bo Burlingham (Inc. Magazine Columnists). The book sounds as if it contains very practical advice about setting up a solid business - moving beyond vision into the real, simple steps of making it work. Check out Norm & Bo's book here: http://snipurl.com/knackbook.

FYI, Elizabeth Marshall is the Host and Founder of AuthorTeleseminars.com (by the way, I just like the book - I'm not an affiliate).

Antidotes to Worry

There seems to be a lot to worry about these days. In my experience, worry doesn't actually do anything. It does, however, often cause stress, anger, and short tempers. I observe then that the worrier tends to take their stress out on people we really love, with yelling, curtness, impatience, crabbiness, etc. Usually what follows is guilt and remorse, because we know we've hurt people we love.

So I try not to worry. How do I do that? Action and planning and faith are my antidotes to worry.

There's always a next step to take, be it gathering information from knowledgeable sources or not purchasing that thing that seemed so necessary or saving a little bit of money each day. We don't know what might happen, so it pays to be cautious right now. I am being prudent in my plans, putting things off and being a little less ambitious, as well as lengthening my time horizon from a year to five or ten years from now. Finally, I trust in my God. I will always be OK as long as I have faith that I will always be OK. No matter what happens, I will have the strength to find a solution. Faith helps me be open to a solution appearing to me.

Remember the story about the devout guy who's in a flood? He goes to the second floor of his house, saying "God will provide!" A boat comes by and the people say "climb in! we'll take you to safety." He says, "no thanks, God will provide!" The water gets higher and he's in the attic. Another boat of people come by saying "come on, get in, time's running out!" Again he tells them "no, God will provide!" Finally, he's on the roof of his house when a helicopter comes by and drops a line. He shakes his head, shouting "God will provide!" Of course, he drowns. When he gets to heaven, he asks God "why did you let me drown?" God says, "I sent two boats and a helicopter - what more did you want?"

For me the moral of the story is that answers, help, and solutions are all around me if only I let go of my idea of what the help should look like. Once I take off my blinders of certainty, I get a new view of the world. Openness to all the universe has to offer is a key element of my faith - now, more than ever!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Job Search Resource

Emily Kovak from CareerJet writes:

We would like to recommend the addition of our site Careerjet, an employment search engine for the USA. In one simple search, Careerjet gives the job seeker access to a massive selection of jobs that are compiled from various internet sources, saving the trouble of having to visit each site individually.

Some of our embeddable tools might be of interest to you:
JobBox - see http://www.careerjet.com/partners/jobbox.html
SearchBox - see http://www.careerjet.com/partners/searchbox.html

We hope this site will interest you and can be included in your listings.

Thank you.

Sure thing, Emily! I'm always looking for more great resources to help people find the work they love so I'm glad you found my site.

More doing good at work resources

A program of the Skoll Foundation, socialedge.org has "great jobs in social entrepreneurship."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cool Quote

Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.

Siddhartha Guatama Buddha : Indian mystic, founder of Buddhism Buddha

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Using LinkedIn

Networking is the key strategy for getting the kind of work you love to do. We often hear about using LinkedIn as a networking tool.

How do you use it, though? Is it really worth the time and effort to set up your profile? I think so. Several people I know have gotten great jobs doing what they love simply because they reconnected with past colleagues and bosses, or with classmates and friends. And I've used it to introduce people to each other. This helped several people build their own professional networks, and resulted in several people getting interviews.

For more ideas, check out http://blog.linkedin.com/blog/2007/07/ten-ways-to-use.html. This article helps fill in some of the blanks on how to use LinkedIn to further our work goals.

Does anyone else have ideas for how to use LinkedIn? I'd love to see your comments on how you've used it to help yourself or someone else.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Doing well and doing good

Justmeans.com is "the trading floor for social responsibility." Its mission is to equip individuals with the networks, news and jobs needed to create positive change. It currently has offices in NYC, London and India.

Social Venture Network (SVN) transforms the way the world does business by leveraging its members' collective strengths of leadership, knowledge and enterprise for a more just and sustainable economy. They have job openings at mission-driven organizations.

Net Impact is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to make a positive impact on society by growing and strengthening a community of new leaders who use business to improve the world. We offer a portfolio of programs to educate, equip, and inspire more than 10,000 members to make a tangible difference in their universities, organizations, and communities.